In-person information sessions: draft Bellarine Peninsula Statement of Planning Policy
I am emailing to confirm that we are planning to hold four in-person information sessions where you can learn more about the draft Bellarine Peninsula Statement of Planning Policy (SPP) and ask questions.
Attendees must register for a 30-minute session. This will be capped at 15 people to meet density limits. All attendees must follow the current Victorian Government’s public health advice regarding the use of masks, contact tracing and social distancing.
The in-person public information sessions will be held as follows
· 22nd July 2021 Leopold Library, 31-39 Kensington Rd, Leopold - please register for a 30-min session at this event via https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/bellarine-peninsula-draft-spp-in-person-information-session-leopold-tickets-163004788711 to attend.
· 27th July 2021 Bellarine Anglican Parish, 45 – 55 Collins St, Drysdale - please register for a 30-min session at this event via https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/bellarine-peninsula-draft-spp-in-person-information-session-drysdale-tickets-163019043347 to attend.
· 29th July 2021 Bellarine Training and Community Hub, 1 John Dory Drive, Ocean Grove – please register for a 30-min session at this event via https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/bellarine-peninsula-draft-spp-in-person-information-session-ocean-grove-tickets-163021468601 to attend.
· 30th July 2021 Queenscliff Uniting Church, Corner of Hesse and Stokes St, Queenscliff - please register for a 30-min session at this event via https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/bellarine-peninsula-draft-spp-in-person-information-session-queenscliff-tickets-163022192767 to attend.
A range of times in the afternoon and evening are available. Please register as soon as possible to ensure you get your preferred time.
The in-person information sessions may help inform your written submission. Please note it is preferred that you do not lodge your submission at the information session. Please follow the guidance below on how to lodge your submission.
Have your say
You are invited to view the draft Bellarine Peninsula SPP and provide a written submission.
You can view the draft Bellarine Peninsula SPP, as well as supporting technical documents, by visiting the Bellarine Peninsula Engage Victoria project page.
You can choose to complete either a short or long form submission and attach further information as part of your submission. Submissions will be treated as public documents and will be published on the Victorian Government’s engagement website. Proforma submissions and petitions will only be counted as one submission, and any contact will be made through the first-named person.
Submissions must be received by 5.00pm on Friday 20 August 2021 and must be lodged through the Bellarine Peninsula Engage Victoria project page.
Further information
· Call 136 186 (open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday)
· Email planning.implementation@delwp.vic.gov.au
· Visit Bellarine Peninsula Engage Victoria project page
· Read our Frequently Asked Questions that are available on the Engage Victoria project page
Kind regards,
Mia Davison
Project Director, Distinctive Areas and Landscapes
Planning | Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
8 Nicholson Street East Melbourne 3002