Ocean Grove Urban Design Framework

On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 OGCA wrote to Geelong Council requesting updates to several projects raised in the Ocean Grove Urban Design Framework.

Here is Councils response:

  Phil Edwards Chairperson Ocean Grove Community Association ogcommunityassn@gmail.com                     13 July 2022                    
Dear Phil, 
Re: Ocean Grove UDF 

Thank you for your recent correspondence on behalf of the Ocean Grove Community Association regarding works proposed through the Ocean Grove Urban Design Framework and other opportunities. 

 Please see below update on each item that was listed.


We are currently assessing funding availability through the City’s Capital Works program for signage in key locations around the municipality, including Ocean Grove.  

 The City has developed draft Township Signage Guidelines, which are currently with the Department of Transport (DoT) for review and approval. The Guidelines outline colour and style criteria for town signage, as well as options for incorporating suitable artwork provided by the local community.

 Subject to funding availability, we look forward to working with the Association to develop updated town entrance signage for Ocean Grove.


The initial feasibility planning for Ocean Grove and Point Lonsdale shared user path is nearly complete with findings suggesting it is very difficult to create a trail in the road reserve.  There is limited space, and the presence of environmental values for both routes along Shell Rd or Creswell Rd provide significant constraints.  

 Further work is being considered that will be integrated with the Southeast Bellarine Biolink Master Plan process that is currently underway.

 I understand a further briefing was provided to the community reference group for the Coastal and Marine Management Plan on the 7th July, and we are happy to provide a further update to the association as we further develop the scope of works for this project.


With the project still at concept design stage, it is difficult to estimate the final vegetation impact of the Ocean Grove Principal Pedestrian Network (OGPPN). Tree removal will be minimised as much as possible in the final designs, however it is likely that some larger trees will need to be removed. Any removals will be offset by a program of tree planting.

  The impact of trees was extensively discussed as part of community consultation for this project, and in some instances, it is proposed to relocate some footpaths to the other side of the road to accommodate this concern. This issue will continue to be considered by the OGPPN working group to ensure it is highlighted, discussed and dealt with in the most appropriate manner.


The feedback on the UDF in relation to a future multipurpose community hall/meeting venue has been reflected in the City’s Social Infrastructure Plan (SIP) (adopted 2020).  

 The SIP identifies the need for Council to undertake an ‘Ocean Grove Community Infrastructure and Services Place-based Needs Study.’ A ‘Needs Study’ will assess the current provision of community infrastructure across the town, and make recommendations for new services or facilities required to meet the needs of the current and future population. 

 Timing for preparation of this needs study has not yet been confirmed. The OG Community Association will be a key stakeholder in the preparation of the Needs Study.


Phase 1a of improvements to Presidents Avenue (signalisation of the Presidents Ave/Orton St intersection) was completed by VicRoads in November 2020.

 Phase 1b – the installation of roundabouts at The Parade and The Terrace intersections – is not included in the current capital works core program, however it will likely be considered in future budgets.


The proposed landscaping of ‘green links’ as proposed in the Ocean Grove UDF has been considered by Council a number of times through annual budget processes, however it has not been progressed at this stage. We will continue to put forward these works for Council to consider through the budget process.

We recently received funding through the Victorian Government’s Covid Safe Outdoor Activation Fund for streetscape works in The Terrace, Ocean Grove. These works include the refurbishment of existing seating and installation of new bin surrounds.

The improvements will enhance trader activation, outdoor dining, and overall customer experience of the precinct. Works are expected to be completed by end of August


The town square site will be secured when the property at 74 The Terrace is redeveloped. 

There has been one development application for this site that included the necessary setbacks for the town square, however the application was refused by Council and VCAT as it did not deliver on the objectives on the UDF for the removal of the crossover in The Terrace and use of the rear lane for access. 


The City has made an offer to purchase part of a property at the rear of The Terrace to facilitate access from the west. There is ongoing negotiations with impacted landowners.


The Victorian Government has provided in principle agreement to reinvesting the money from the land sale of the surplus road land into the road works. This has been a significant barrier to the project progressing to date. 

 The developer is currently preparing a detailed design for the signalised intersection at Hodgson Street and The Parade to inform a final feasibility assessment. Community consultation on a planning scheme amendment and redevelopment of Council land will follow. Timing has not been confirmed yet. 

We appreciate your interest in these matters and your ongoing advocacy for the Ocean Grove community. 

Kind regards,




TELEPHONE 5272 4266 garethsmith@geelongcity.vic.gov.au garethsmith@geelongcity.vic.gov.au