Membership Application
The Ocean Grove Community Association relies on membership of our community. All committee positions are of a voluntary capacity.
Our new membership cost has been agreed at the 2024. From 2025 the cost is $20 per person per 5 years or part there off.
Members joining now will be covered until June 30 2030.
What do you get for your $4 per annum?
This membership fee allows the Association to undertake a range of functions to develop the community. Including paying for website hosting and venue hire for meetings.
- Regular newsletters – we aim to do 2 per year.
- Invitations to public meetings & community forums, like the coming Meet the Candidates forum for the Local Governent Elections
- Participation in surveys and opinion polls
- Opportunity to have input on issues affecting the future of Ocean Grove – email your concerns
- We monitor Proposed Development Applications lodged with Council
- Members are welcome at Committee meeting, but please email us in abvance so we have enough chairs.
Membership Application Form – fill the fields below and select Send. To complete application please make a payment to our account at the Bendigo Bank. (details below). Once we have verified your payment, we will confirm membership by return email.
Please fill out one form each.
Membership Application
- Once you hit Submit – this page will email your details to
- We respect your privacy and will not share your details.
- The phone number is only for verification and will only be used if we cant contact you via email.
You can pay via electronic transfer to:
- Name: OGCA Trust Account
- Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000
- Account: 120316252
Please provide your “name” in the reference area on your EFT (funds transfer).
To make payment via alternate means (cash, cheque), please contact us on email: or attend one of our meetings.